Saturday 14 May 2011

Clay & Plastic - We have pipes

Well, things have started moving and not only is our block cut, but we now have all out sewerage and stormwater connected. Slab to come this week.

Due to the slope on the driveway and Brisbane City Council regulations of maximum 1:4 slope, we have a sunken garage with a drop edge beam. Was a bit surprised they didn't excavate for the whole thing, but I'm assured by the Site Super that the slab guys will do it themselves.

To my pleasure there's a large pile of fill at the front. Am hoping it gets left on site as we'll be putting retaining walls at the front - the less fill I have to buy the better.

1 comment:

  1. I Guess you are probably in your house by now. Enjoy your lovely new house on that massive block :). congratulations.
    Clearwater Real Estate
